The Protective Seal Project (Projeto Selo Protetor) was launched in 2018 and is an instrument that allows the realization of the attributions of the entities with competences regarding matters of childhood and youth, pursuant to Article 7 of the Law on the Protection of Children and Young People in Danger (Law nr. 147/99, of September 1 and subsequent amendments), while providing an opportunity for the improvement of the practices of the professionals of the aforementioned entities, who act at the most informal level of the system for the promotion of the rights and the protection of children and young people.
The Protective Seal Project is inspired in previously tested national and international experiences, particularly in the Australian model The Blue Card System, designed to provide information and support guidance to the institutions that work with children and young people, namely within the scope of the development and implementation of a risk management strategy.
An entity with competences regarding matters of childhood and youth is awarded the seal of “Protective Entity” (“Entidade Protetora”) upon the selection of its submitted application, which must have had successfully gone through an evaluation process. The attribution of the award reflects the commitment of the selected entity towards the implementation of public policies and practices that promote the rights of the child, namely through the fulfillment of eight requirements concerning the existence or the implementation of:
- A commitment declaration;
- A code of conduct;
- Specific procedures in place for the recruitment, selection and training of employees;
- A strategic plan for the promotion of the rights and the protection of children and young people;
- A plan for the management of high risk activities;
- Policies and procedures for the referral and management of situations of ill-treatment;
- A strategic plan for communication and cooperation; and
- A team that coordinates the risk and danger management integrated system.
The award is valid for two years. Symbolically, a certificate is issued, along with a digital seal and a flag, which can be used in the official communication channels of the awarded entity.
Each new selection process takes place annually.