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Cooperation with Portuguese Speaking Countries

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Cooperation with Portuguese Speaking Countries


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Cooperation with Portuguese Speaking Countries

Cooperation of the CNPDPCJ with Portuguese Speaking Countries

The National Commission may be consulted in preparation of high-level and State visits involving Portugal and Portuguese-speaking countries. Usually, information on the Portuguese system for the protection of children and young people, on the activities of the 310 local commissions and on the National Commissions’ own initiatives and projects to promote the rights and protect children and young people is provided.

The National Commission may be consulted on proposals or updates on Bilateral Cooperation Protocols established between Portugal and Portuguese-speaking countries, whenever the instruments at stake encompass matters of childhood and youth or issues that may produce impact on children and young people.

Additionally, the National Commission may be directly contacted by entities with intervention on the protection of children of other countries that seek to be received within the scope of technical visits aimed at strengthening cooperation relations, getting to know better the projects and initiatives of the National Commission, exchanging information and good practices and innovative ways to address common challenges.