Project JUS /Project 12 - Justice for Children was a project funded by the European Union, coordinated by the CNPDPCJ and implemented in partnership with University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE) and Logframe. Based on the standards for a child-friendly justice adopted by the Council of Europe in 2010, and by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child - particularly Article 12, i.e., the right to participation -, the project aims to contribute to a child-friendly justice in Portugal, strengthening the importance of a justice system that: is adapted to children and meeting their needs; is accessible; is fast, thus contributing to the child’s best interests; guarantees children’s rights are respected in judicial and non-judicial procedures; and ensures an improvement in judicial and non-judicial processes.
Among the various deliverables of the project, one can find “An Action Guide & a Guide to Best Practices for Professionals” within the scope of hearing processes of children and young people.
All the materials produced in the context of Project JUS /Project 12 - Justice for Children are available at